Message from the founder


I am honored to be chosen to develop such an innovative program. Today, more than ever, we need a strong legal army to PROTECT intellectual property rights and SERVE creative businesses. 

Here’s the story…

When I graduated from law school, I confidently launched my career, hitting potholes, scratching my knees, banging my shins along the way. There was a steep learning curve that I now know could have been totally eliminated.

Like every new attorney, I faced hidden barriers that most people couldn’t understand. To them, I was “a lawyer” and they had no idea the questions that could keep a legal newbie up at night!

  • Graduation angst (What are you doing after law school?)
  • Sleepless nights (What if a client asks a question I can’t answer?)

  • Work-life balance (When will I break even?)
  • The list goes on…

In developing this program, I went back and pulled together the answers to all of those questions and more. I applied decades as a business advisor to creative individuals and businesses and combined that with the years spent as a commercial litigator, general counsel, and principal of my own firm.

Next, we tested the formula by running an extensive pilot program (Shout out to all of the  ArtWorks.™ Alums and Externs) and this is how we create the secret sauce

What took many years to develop is now neatly packaged in a step-by-step program to reduce the learning curve to mere months.



Professional Development




ArtWorks™ has all that and more guaranteed to ensure a smooth path to success.

I am honored by the faith the Board of Directors had in me to take on the task, as Founder. I am deeply touched by the diligence of our development team. I pledge to continue soothing the path to success. 

This is my personal invitation to all those ambitious, courageous lawyers ready to help write the next chapter in legal history.

Let’s go!

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

Barack Obama

Someone sitting near an airport gate with their hands on their head

ArtWorks is an initiative specifically designed to soothe the path to success. It is a unique fusion of an innovative business incubator and a highly competitive legal residency program.

Every step of the way, ArtWorks™ Legal guides attorneys to anticipate and conquer difficulties. We help attorneys successfully grow their practices and provide specialty training for those sharpening their tools to renter the workforce. We help them so this while remaining financially whole—from startup to fully established practice. We also provide opportunities for training, guidance and networking for attorneys seeking to transition into general counsel roles.

We seek entrepreneurial candidates, committed to building a firm OR landing an ideal corporate counsel position.

If you are a new law graduate, young lawyer or courageous career changer, our legal support team is here for you.

If you have an interest in the Arts, Intellectual Property, Fashion and Entertainment Law, OR are simply passionate about helping creatives…ArtWorks may be the perfect place to launch the next stage of your career.

Residency &

Our ABA Approved Residency program seeks entrepreneurial candidates who are committed to building their own law practice you are an attorney seeking to land an ideal corporate counsel position.

– 12 Modules (copyright, trademark & patent)
– Affordable Payment options for Tuition
– Live & Virtual training – Join from anywhere


About the Organization

ArtWorksis a division of Merchitech Development Institute Inc., an IRS-registered 501C3 organization with a mission to improve the lives of underserved children and families by providing resources in the area of housing, job creation, economic advocacy and providing access legal services.

ArtWorks Incubator Legal Residency (@ArtWorksLegal) Twitter 1



Launched children's advocacy program


Expanded legal support to local businesses


Conducted nation-wide review of attorney mentor/training programs


Created Access to Justice initiative legal training program Roll Out


Expanded to include International IP training through the World IP Organization


Introduced Hybrid program--in person/virtual training options

Our programs:

Residency &

Our ABA Approved Residency program seeks entrepreneurial candidates who are committed to building their own law practice you are an attorney seeking to land an ideal corporate counsel position.

– 12 Modules (copyright, trademark & patent)
– Affordable Payment options for Tuition
– Live & Virtual training – Join from anywhere



Our ABA Approved Residency program seeks entrepreneurial candidates who are committed to building their own law practice you are an attorney seeking to land an ideal corporate counsel position.

– 12 Modules (copyright, trademark & patent)
– Affordable Payment options for Tuition
– Live & Virtual training – Join from anywhere



Our Legal Externship Program serve as the clinical arm to law school curriculum.  It is an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the day-to-day practice of law   



– 6 Modules (copyright, trademark & patent)
– Tuition options arranged with respective law school

– Orientation includes an in-depth IP Crash Course


Ready to advance your career?